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Saying Thank-You to a Veteran

Freeman Mortuary • Nov 11, 2022

Saying Thank-You to a Veteran

There are a million ways to say thank you. Great or small they all have value. 


·     Decide to always just say thank you whenever you see a person in uniform.

·     When you see a person in uniform at the coffee shop or fast food restaurant pick up their tab if you can. 

·     At the airport trade your first class or comfort seat for their standard seat

·     If you have a neighbor who is deployed offer to play catch with the kids or mow the lawn. Ask how you can help

·     Send a care package by contacting Operation Gratitude

·     Donate your old cell phone

·     Drive a Veteran to their doctor appointments (contact the hospital services coordinator at the local VA hospital)

·     Write a letter

·     Volunteer at a VA hospital

·     If you run a business hire a veteran - Hire Heroes USA

·     Donate dollars or time to train service dogs for veterans - Patriot Paws or Puppy Jake Foundation

·     Build a house for a veteran - Building Homes for Heroes


Big dollars or only a few dollars, lots of time or only a little time, where there is a will there is a way to say thank you to those who serve in our military.

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